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Scorpio and Aquarius match incredibly well
We often hear that Scorpio and Aquarius are a terrible match but few reasons are ever given why. Are the rumors based on urban legend or is their some truth behind the buzz?
If you landed on this page, you probably want to know more about the compatibility of these two signs. Assuming the answer is yes, you’ve come to the right place.
That’s because this post is all about Scorpio and Aquarius with the insight you’ll get nowhere else.
In this article, you will learn:
- The shared traits of Scorpio and Aquarius
- The unique traits of Aquarius
- The mysterious attributes of Scorpio
- How this air and water sign interact
- Special challenges facing each sign
- 7 ways Scorpio and Aquarius are compatible
Right off the bat, I want to state clearly that I am not an astrologer or psychic. That said, I am a Scorpio man who has been trained in the field of psychology.
For reasons that I do not fully understand, I am drawn to the world of ancient mysticism. All that follows is a product of that interest.
Drawing upon the famous work of Carl Jung’s archetypes (Hageback, 1988), I often write about astrology as a pathway to self-insight.
This necessarily means I will infuse various aspects of psycho-spiritualism: a $10.00 term used to describe the blending of psychology and spirituality.
Aquarius and Scorpio Revealed
As part of my research, I’ve learned that not all signs are a good match for Aquarius. The same holds true of Scorpio. You may be thinking this is true of all signs.
Perhaps you are right.
But let’s be honest. Aquarius is one of the least understood in astrology. Both women and men born under this sign are tagged with being distant and rebellious.
On the flip side, Scorpio is often portrayed mysterious, often pegged with being overly sexual and vindictive.
But in the context of romantic relationships, are the stereotypes true? You are about to find out.
As you continue reading, keep in mind the material has been presented in a gender-neutral way, focusing only on the pairing between Scorpio and Aquarius.
My promise to you as a website visitor is to share information that is free of astro-babble and cuts right to the chase.
Woven into various parts of this post are suggestions for how to best handle Aquarius and Scorpio relationships. A bit further down, this page, you’ll see a video about each sign’s elemental representation (air and water).
I encourage you to watch them both to help deepen your understanding of the pairing.
We’ll begin by looking at each sign’s primary traits. Make a mental note of their similarities and differences. This will serve as foundational material for all that follows.
After surveying each, we will examine how Scorpio and Aquarius match in 7 key areas.
Scorpio and Aquarius Traits
Notice the similarities and differences in the Scorpio Aquarius pairingTRAIT | AQUARIUS | SCORPIO |
Intellectual | x | x |
Empathic | x | |
Intuitive | x | x |
Adventurous | x | |
Dominant | x | x |
Autonomous | x | x |
Creative | x | x |
Imaginative | x | x |
Loyal | x | x |
Feelers | x |

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18
In the traditions of horoscopic astrology, Aquarius (also called Aquarians) are born into the “eleventh house” of the zodiac. In the metaphorical sense, a “house” is nothing more than a term used to describe a structure that holds metaphysical traits.
If you were to walk through the door of this house, you would immediately detect energy that vibes out a sense of openness and comradery. The presence of high intelligence and free thinking would also enter your awareness.
Aquarius is jointly ruled by Saturn and Uranus. This is important to know because both celestial bodies gift the sign unique abilities.
Located 1.6 billion miles from earth, Uranus is said to infuse Aquarius with a deep belief in freedom of expression. It also gives Aquarians the ability to see new possibilities.
The sign’s other ruling planet, Saturn, located 746 million miles from your present location, is thought to grant Aquarius with inventive abilities and a high degree of intelligence.
People who are born under this sign are independent thinkers. They often march to the beat of a different drummer and could care less if others like that beat beat or not.
When you hear Aquarius – think of people who stand up to traditional conventions.
Main Aquarius Traits (Pro and Con):
- Inventive
- Uninhibited
- Stable
- Outgoing
- Fun and easy going
- Free-thinkers
- Rebellious
- Charming
- Easily bored
- Sarcastic
- Independent
- Challenges authority
Air Sign Primer
Aquarius is represented by the elemental sign of air. At their core, air signs are thought to be:
- Free-thinkers
- Highly independent
- Non-judgmental
- Investigative and smart
There are only three air signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius respectively.

Scorpio: October 23 – November 21
People who are born under the Scorpio sign fall under the “eight house” of the zodiac. If you were to imagine walking through the front door, you would immediately sense energies symbolizing logic, passion, bonding, and mystery.
Scorpio is ruled by two planets, Mars and Pluto.
Located fourth in distance from our sun, Mars is considered a “hot” planet. On the other hand, Pluto – once categorized as our ninth planet – is extremely cold.
It’s also one of the most mysterious celestial bodies in our solar system.
For the record, Mars is 141 million miles from our sun. Pluto is further out, at approximately 737 million miles. These two factoids are important to know because it gives you a sense of the hot/cold polarities Scorpio personalities vibrate.
People born under this sign are indeed mysterious. They are also highly focused and at times struggle with being obsessive. But they are also passionate and empathic.
When you think of Scorpio, think of strong, dominant people who often make their presence known without having to speak a word.
Main Scorpio Traits (Pro and Con):
- Intense
- Loyal
- Mysterious
- Highly Sexual
- Intuitive
- Obsessive
- Reclusive
- Distrustful
- Empathic
- Jealous
- Logical
Water Sign Basics
Scorpio’s natural element is water. Typical traits of water signs include:
- Highly empathic
- Intuitive
- Emotionally deep
- Intuitive (some say psychic)
- Easily wounded
There are only three water signs. Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio respectively.
Do Scorpio and Aquarius Match?
Now that you know the basics of each sign, it’s time to answer the question: Do Scorpio and Aquarius match?
The short answer is – yes. In fact, they are highly – and strangely – compatible.
Let’s take a look at seven specific reasons why.
As you read through each area, keep an open mind. If possible allow yourself to put aside any preconceived notions. This will help you to fully absorb the material.
1. Love
The emotional bond shared between Aquarius and Scorpio is deep and enduring. Operating on three specific vibrations that closely mirror Lee’s love styles (Grieve, 2017), the signs are emotionally drawn to one another based on a trio of high trust, a need for companionship, and practicality.
What’s important to know is that Aquarius and Scorpio are fiercely independent. This is a double-edged sword. In this way, the “good” comes from allowing one another space to engage in various interests.
Because Scorpio can be distant at times, it can be a problem for other signs who may feel neglected. Aquarius, however, understands this dynamic.
That’s because the air sign also requires space to partake in creative and inventive projects.
But here is the “bad” …
Both signs can become so consumed in their own interests that they run the risk of letting their physical connection turn atrophy.
It is for this reason that Scorpio and Aquarius must make time for one another to bond. It is worth mentioning this is the complete opposite of how Pisces (another water sign) connects with Scorpio – where the physical connection is magnetic (See Pisces men post).
That said, when physical intimacy occurs between these signs, it is powerful.
2. Sexual Energy
To be blunt, the sexual energy between Scorpio and Aquarius is unlike any other in the astrological universe. In fact, it can be explosive.
Vibing heat from Mars, Scorpio comes off as intense and dominant. Adding to its persona, Pluto also infuses Scorpio with a mysterious energy – one that is paradoxically magnetic.
Many signs cannot handle this vibration because it is simply “too much”.
However, Aquarius is not intimidated. In fact, because of the air sign’s playful personality, it views each encounter as a challenge.
Moreover, Aquarius is not one to be told what to do in the bedroom. Instead, the sign much prefers sexual versatility with a penchant for trying new things.
This is where Aquarius and Scorpio strangely bond.
Both are fixed signs – meaning they are often set in their own ways. One might think this fact makes the duo incompatible when in reality, it’s exactly the opposite.
Instead, both challenge one another to move outside of their comfort zones during physical intimacy. Time spent together behind closed doors tends to be extended and passionate.
Scorpio has one advantage over Aquarius. Because it is gifted with a strong sense of intuition, the sign is able to to “read” what Aquarius is thinking and feeling.
This allows the water sign to penetrate Aquarian logic and tap into the air sign’s physical needs.
Conversation during intimacy is usually limited to playful talk with Aquarius focused on exploration and Scorpio on passion.
Finally, on this compatibility point, you need to know that both of these signs are highly intellectual. This matters as both can tap into one another’s minds as part of the lovemaking process.
Let’s move on to interests.

3. Interests
One of the strongest compatibility areas between Aquarius and Scorpio are shared interests. There are a number of reasons for this, including natural curiosity about what makes things tick.
Aquarius – a sign that is known to question conventional wisdom – gravitates towards science and politics. Scorpio shares these interests with a penchant for the supernatural.
Both signs like to travel, empowered by their joint sense of adventure. Moreover, both enjoy the outdoors, with Aquarius gravitating towards mountainous regions and Scorpio towards large bodies of water.
Historical movies, dramas, and comedies make for great forms of entertainment as both signs can enjoy these genres.
While Scorpio and Aquarius are fixed, it is usually Aquarius who acts as the catalyst for trying new things.
The air sign’s strong pull towards fresh experiences is contagious for Scorpio, making new adventures irresistible.
One final point here – both are naturally athletic and enjoy exercise and team sports.
4. Communication
This is another area where a healthy bond is shared between the two signs. It’s important to state formulation of this bond is not instant.
You may be wondering why?
Simply put, Scorpio (by nature) is a distrustful creature whereas Aquarius is more open.
Aquarians are also fact-based people, meaning at times their dialogue can be dispassionate. Scorpio, while also fact-based, requires an emotional connection as part of intimacy.
Aquarius does not injure easily and looks almost exclusively at the facts. Conversely, Scorpio is easily wounded, although a master at hiding feelings from the world.
This is being mentioned because it is an area that needs to be focused on during the early stages of a relationship if a couple hopes to survive.
Once both signs tune into one another, conversation is usually not a problem. Points of discussion usually revolve around current events, social justice, politics, science, and spirituality.
The innate differences between these two signs are what paradoxically makes conversation lively – and interesting.
It is imperative, however, that Scorpio keep in mind Aquarians have little patience for the mistreatment of others. This means Scorpio needs to let Aquarius talk about the specific perceived injustices of others and not cut off conversation.
On the flip side, Aquarius must remember that Scorpios often become obsessed with a given issue – to the point that it becomes annoying.
The best way to handle this is to gently encourage Scorpio to look at things differently but not attempt to stop the obsessing. It won’t work and could backfire.
5. Trust
It is a misnomer that trust is difficult between Aquarius and Scorpio. It is more accurate to state that trust is not instant.
Here is why:
Unlike Scorpio and Cancer (see Scorpio and Cancer) where fidelity occurs instantly, Aquarius open (and sometimes unemotional) persona can act as a barrier.
One of the few signs that can penetrate deep into the Aquarian psyche is Scorpio. But for that to happen, there needs to be a high degree of communication (see number 4 above).
After this link is established, trust begins to strengthen in major ways. This means physical, emotional, and financial trust.
Now let’s be real for a moment about this trust issue. Both Scorpio and Aquarius are known for having a wandering eye. Aquarius at times acts impulsively. Scorpio does too but is much more calculating.
This is being mentioned because cheating can happen unless there is a firm agreement between both signs to remain exclusive. Even then – both will continue to check other people out. That is never going to change.
But merely looking verses acting are two different things.
If you are one of these signs, you will need to arrive at a place of acceptance on this front while owning your own behaviors.
If you can do this (aka being OK with looking but not acting) trust will be enduring.
6. Intellect
When you pair a Scorpion and Aquarian together, you have a very smart couple. This not being mentioned as mere hyperbole. Instead, it’s just a fact.
Aquarius is focused on two life areas: The here and now and the future. Almost obsessively, the sign thinks about new possibilities and creating change.
In an uncanny way, the sign seems to be born with a “chip” that makes it ask: Why does it have to be this way?
Like Aquarius, Scorpio shares these traits. The small difference being Scorpio’s deep interest in the afterlife.
Topical conversations between the two often center on current events and the future.
Aquarius is heavily gifted in the areas of math and science. Scorpio in psychology and language.
In this way, one sign’s strong traits compensate for the other’s weakness. It is, for this reason, they the pairing makes for a highly intellectual couple.
Talk about unique!
7. Money
This is an easy bonding area for both signs. Scorpio needs security and safety. Aquarius also requires these things but with less intensity.
That said, there isn’t much daylight that separates the two on finances. Both are highly disciplined with saving and spending and both view money as a pathway to personal freedom.
That’s not to say the two signs don’t prioritize spending in different ways. Aquarians like helping people. Translation: Giving money to the needy or to special causes is important to them.
On the other hand, Scorpio likes to hoard cash – with the exception of spending money on personal care items such as a popular cologne. The sign also likes spending money on mates.
In romantic relationships, both need to grow accustomed to different financial priorities to avoid friction. Still, the differences are minor when compared to the big picture.
Both Aquarius and Scorpio are great with money.
Summary of Scorpio and Aquarius
Regardless of rumors, you may hear elsewhere, Scorpio and Aquarius are a lot more compatible than some people think.
Once the bond has been established, the relationship can last for many years.
Scorpio is resistant to change. Aquarius loves to change things up. It is their unique differences that magnetically draw them together.
If you are looking for more insight on personal relationships, astrology, and psycho-spirituality, a great book to consider is The Secret Language of Relationships by Avery. See Amazon for price.
Hopefully, this piece helped to shed insight about a pairing in astrology that is widely misunderstood – and mischaracterized.
Grieve, R. (2017, February 14). There Are Six Styles Of Love. Which One Best Describes You? Retrieved from Life Hacker:
Hageback, N. (1988). Jung, archetypes and mirroring in organizational change management: Lessons from a longitudinal case study. Journal of Organizational Change Management.
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Wow so lovely. Thank you
Thank you thank you thank you 😍 this has really helped me