7 Ways To Improve Your Relationship with Money

man counting money relationship with money

What’s Your Relationship with Money?

Money plays a significant role in our lives, impacting various aspects such as relationships, career choices, and personal well-being. Yet, for many men, their relationship with money can be a source of stress, anxiety, and even shame.

As a men’s therapist, I have witnessed firsthand the emotional connection individuals develop with money. In this blog post, we will explore seven effective ways to improve your relationship with money, while delving into the influence of our parents’ financial blueprints.

1. Reflect on Your Emotional Connection

Take a moment to reflect on your emotions and beliefs surrounding money. Acknowledge any fears, anxieties, or negative associations you may have developed over time. Understanding the emotional connection, you have with money is the first step towards transforming your relationship with it.

2. Challenge Negative Beliefs and Mindsets

Many of our beliefs about money stem from early experiences and societal conditioning. Recognize that negative beliefs, such as “money is evil” or “I’ll never be wealthy,” can limit your financial growth. Challenge these beliefs by seeking evidence to the contrary and cultivating a positive mindset towards money.

3. Explore Your Financial Blueprint

Our parents’ financial behaviors and attitudes often shape our own relationship with money. Reflect on the financial patterns you observed growing up. Were your parents frugal, or did they struggle with money management? By understanding these patterns, you can consciously choose to break free from any negative financial blueprints and develop healthier habits.

Negative blueprints can also mean being a money hoarder or money addict.

4. Practice Mindful Spending

Mindful spending involves being intentional and aware of how you use your money. Before making a purchase, ask yourself whether it aligns with your values and long-term goals. Avoid impulsive spending and develop a budget that allows you to allocate resources towards what truly matters to you.

5. Cultivate an Abundance Mindset

Adopting an abundance mindset can transform your relationship with money. Instead of focusing on scarcity, cultivate gratitude for the resources you have and believe in your ability to attract financial abundance. Recognize that money is a tool that can be used to create a fulfilling life, rather than a measure of self-worth.

6. Seek Financial Education

Expand your financial knowledge by seeking resources and education about money management. Read books, attend seminars, or consult with financial professionals to enhance your understanding of personal finance.

Empowering yourself with financial literacy equips you to make informed decisions and take control of your financial well-being. One book you may want to consider is How to Adult: Personal Finance for the Real World by Jake Cousineau (see Amazon).

7. Embrace Open Communication

Money can often be a sensitive topic in relationships. Foster open and honest communication with your partner about financial goals, expectations, and concerns. Discussing money as a team allows for joint decision-making and builds a foundation of trust and shared responsibility.

Wrap Up

Improving your relationship with money is an ongoing journey that requires self-reflection, mindset shifts, and intentional action. By recognizing the emotional connection we have with money and exploring our inherited financial blueprints, we can consciously reshape our relationship with money.

Through mindful spending, cultivating an abundance mindset, seeking financial education, and embracing open communication, we can build a healthier and more empowered connection with our finances.

Remember, your relationship with money is within your control, and by taking proactive steps, you can pave the way for a more prosperous future.

About John D. Moore 396 Articles
Dr. John Moore is a licensed counselor and Editor-in-Chief of Guy Counseling. A journalist and blogger, he writes about a variety of topics related to wellness. His interests include technology, outdoor activities, science, and men's health. Check out his show --> The Men's Self Help Podcast