Build Six Pack Abs for Body Builders with IPhone

Build Six Pack with Smart-Phone

I am going to tell you about a super easy trick that you can use to help build six pack abs as part of your general fitness routine. All you need is a smart-phone (i-Phone, Android, Windows Phone or even an iPad) plus a hard surface, like your living room floor.



One of the coolest things you will see at the beach is the guy who has an impressive set of six pack abs. Seeing a dude like this probably motivated you in some way start working on your own six-pack. I personally know a lot of guys who have washboard abs and many of them are well past the age of 30. Let’s keep it real – people notice the abdominals! This is me at the beach taking a break from a run. Nice day.

Here are three steps to building your six-pack abs, starting with the smart-phone trick.

1. Smart Phone Alarm every 3 hours

I do crunches about 60 seconds after I get out of the bed in the morning. Usually, I do about 200 vary the crunches using different approaches. Example, 25 on my back, 25 on each side, 50 on my back again and so on until I hit 200. After the first morning set of crunches, I set my smart-phone to go off every 3 hours and repeat the morning ab routine with different variations. Yes folks, it is simple as that. I use my phone’s alarm to go over at intervals throughout the day and make myself get up to do abdominal crunches. This is in addition to my ab workout that gym.

Here is what it looks like:

Morning Abs 6am 200 Crunches
Mid-Morning Abs 9 am 200 Crunches
Gym with Abs 12 Noon 200 crunches
After Crunches 4PM 200 Crunches
Evening Crunches 7PM 200 Crunches
Total 1000 Crunches Daily


This may look like a lot but I can tell you that after you start doing this routine for a about a week, it becomes easier and eventually, habitual. It’s all about ritualizing your behaviors in a healthy way.

Here are two other things you should consider as part of your journey to building or maintaining a six pack set of abs.

2. Cut down the processed food

In addition to the use of my smart-phone, I also try to cut down on processed foods. This is a simple, easy to understand concept. There is no magic here. You just need to cut down or significantly reduce the processed foods if you want those ab crunches to take hold so that your “abs pop”.

People often ask me, What are processed foods? “Processed foods” is a 25 cent term used to describe food products that usually contain a shutterstock_41320078high number of unhealthy fats. Worse, they often have “cheap fats” and “fillers”, like refined seed and vegetable oils (soybean oil) that are often hydrogenated, which basically turns them into trans fats. You may not know this but vegetable oils can be extremely unhealthy. Many people are fooled into thinking they are OK to eat because of the word “vegetable”. Totally not true.

Here is the deal about processed foods – that crap goes right to your gut and can eventually create hard to get rid of love handles. I won’t lie to you …once in a while I do eat foods that are processed but it’s the exception rather than the rule. Notice I said cut down on processed foods. If you are a busy person, I realize that sometimes, it can be almost impossible to avoid them. That is why I am trying to keep it real here. And so whenever possible, opt for lean cuts of meat or fresh fruits if you are a dude that has a sweet tooth.

ab exercises ball

I want to recommend to you a book by Michael Matthews called, The Shredded Chef. Like me, he offers a no-nonsense approach to fitness and does it in a way that is easy to understand. This may be a helpful resource to you as you think about food options.

OK last point …

3. Get in 20-30 minutes of cardio each day

Under this point, you need to do at least 20-30 minutes of intense red starcardio each day. I use the stair-master a few times a week and mix it up with the bike and treadmill at my gym. You want to have a decent sweat going for sure. Ideally, you will do cardio each day but at a minimum, strive for 5-7 days a week. You don’t have to go crazy here by the way with cardio, just make sure it is consistent.

Six Pack Abs: Final Thoughts

The key to getting six pack abs is focus and persistence. There is no magic bullet and no “quick and fast” way to make it happen. It took me about six weeks to start seeing the benefits of my abdominal program pay off.  I am cool with what I see now but I do not take that as a permission slip to stop my program.

I’m including a video here for you to check out on abdominal work to give you some basic ideas on how to do this at home. You do not need to be a gym bunny to get your six-pack on. You just need to be consistent in working them out. I would love to hear what you do to build your six-pack. Please share in the discussions.

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Peace out!


About John D. Moore 400 Articles
Dr. John Moore is a licensed counselor and Editor-in-Chief of Guy Counseling. A journalist and blogger, he writes about a variety of topics related to wellness. His interests include technology, outdoor activities, science, and men's health. Check out his show --> The Men's Self Help Podcast