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Hazel eyes are fascinating to gaze into. When you look at someone who has hazel eyes, you see colors that are completely different than other eye colors, such as crystal blue or emerald green.
That’s because hazel eyes are unique, with only a smattering of people around the globe having them. When you consider that 55% of the world’s population has brown eyes, you quickly see that having hazel colored eyes is rare indeed.
If you happen to be one of the fortunate few with this green, blue, brown mix, consider yourself to be in a very special club!

Trying to define hazel eyes can be difficult. That’s because shades of green can be light, dark or depending upon the lighting, a mixture of both. This article offers everything you ever wanted to know about hazel eyes.
We’ll take a look at how you got your eye color, examine how eye color can be changed and take a look at a few famous celebrities who were born with hazel eyes.
We’ll also take a peek at common myths associated with hazel eyes. Other information will be imparted as well, including a video on eye color and a hazel eye poll.
Are you ready? Let’s jump right in!

You may be curious about the science behind hazel colored eyes. In a nutshell, your eye color is a function of heredity and genetics. The two primary factors that influence eye color are: 1) pigmentation of the iris and 2) how light scatters around the iris.
Your eye pigmentation can run a virtual rainbow, from the darkest color of green to the lightest color of blue. A substance called melanin largely influences what color your eyes will ultimately be. Melanin is a complex polymer made from an amino acid called tyrosine.
If you have haze eyes, it is because of a phenomenon Rayleigh scattering. In non-science speak, Rayleigh scattering is nothing more than a presentation of how light scatters over an object after riding its spectrum wavelength.
Related: Amber eyes: Learn all about this gold eye color
A lot of folks think that eye color is a function of the iris but in truth, it’s not. The unique eye color you have, such as hazel, is the direct result of how light breaks up across melanin’s base. This is not something you can manipulate and is determined by genetics.
Science of Hazel Eyes in People
Melanin content in eye color of people with hazel, brown, blue, violet and grey and black eyesEye Color | Melanin Amount: Front Layer of Iris | Melanin Amount: Back Layer of Iris | Dominant Pigmentation |
Hazel | Medium: Less than green. More than brown | Normal | Eumelanin and Pheomelanin |
Brown | Substantial | Normal | Eumelanin |
Blue | Light | Normal | Eumelanin |
Green | Closer to blue; less than brown | Normal | Pheomelanin |
Grey | Less than green and hazel | Normal | Eumelanin mix |
Violet/Purple | Small to none | Small to little | Unknown |
Black | Heavy | Heavy | Black Eumelanin |

The current research in the field of genetics suggests that eye color is largely determined by 16 genes that are passed on to you through heredity.
This new theory does away with what scientists used to think – which basically stated that your hazel eyes (or any other eye color) happened because of a dominant gene.
Hazel colored eyes, including shades of brown/green and green/blue, have been part of the genetic sequencing of certain races for thousands of years – maybe even millions.
If you are Spanish, Middle Eastern, Brazilian or North African decent, there is a higher likelihood of hazel eyes running in your family tree. This does not preclude other races from having hazel eyes however; any population group can have hazel eyes.

Many people are curious if eye color can be changed. The answer is yes and no. The “Yes” part relates to how your eye color will naturally change as a result of how light scatters across the iris. The “No” part has to do with the clinical presentation of eye color.
You either have hazel eyes or you don’t. You can’t “inject” something into the iris to make them permanently darker, lighter, greener or bluer.
Over the course of your lifetime, your eye color may change as a result of age and health. And you should know the color of your eye can permanently change because of the medical condition known as ocular glaucoma. If you have hazel colored eyes, make sure you visit with your eye doctor regularly because you can lose that color as a result of glaucoma degradation.

People with hazel eyes are susceptible to the harmful effects of our sun. The primary reason is connected to the substance we discussed earlier, melanin. People with hazel eyes can develop certain types of ocular cancers, like intra-ocular melanoma.
It is suggested that people with hazel colored eyes and other eye colors for that matter wear sunglasses that offer strong UV protection.

No two pair of hazel eyes is exactly the same. Some people have lighter features of green while others have darker features of brown.
Ocular scientists think hazel eye color is a combination of greens, browns and blues but if truth be told, they aren’t exactly sure. We do know however, that hazel is considered rare.

The intensity of the color people see when they look into your hazel eyes is influenced by a number of factors. Depending upon sunlight, your health and atmospheric conditions, some people may experience your hazel colored eyes as bright green, seaweed amber, dazzling emerald or even grey.
Here are some of the primary factors influencing hazel eye color intensity:
- Time of day: Light from the celestial orb we call the sun has a major impact on eye color hew and intensity as expressed through the solar spectrum.
- Lighting conditions: If you are indoors, the lightbulbs you use to create artificial light can impact how your eyes appear to others. Some shades of hazel become amplified indoors while others do not.
- Clothing: Depending upon the type of clothing you are wearing, the intensity of your eye color can become stronger and weaker. Colors like gold, blue and various greens can give your hazel eyes a deeper appearance.
- Makeup for hazel eyes: One of the most powerful ways your hazel eyes can “pop” when others look at them relates to the type of makeup you are wearing. Generally speaking, chocolate or brown eye shadow is recommended for hazel green eyes.
- Allergies: If you suffer from seasonal allergies, your eye color can experience changes in general intensity. You may take on a reddish hew around the white of the eyeball. Allergies also can cause your eyes to look baggy and puffy.
- Drugs/Alcohol: Believe it or not, if you use certain types of medications, illicit drugs or drink alcohol, it can impact how others experience your eye color. Some prescription medications are known to cause changes. Be sure to check with your doctor if you notice any variations in ocular appearance.
- Your emotions: This one may seem silly but if you are sad, crying, happy, joyous or in any way overwhelmed with emotions, the intensity of those hazel eyes you see can change. Don’t worry, it’s only temporary.
This video offers tips to women with hazel colored eyes who are looking for advice on how to enhance their eye color. Very informative – straight and to the point. A must see if you want to accentuate your hazel peeps!
Many women have shared with me that Gorgeous Cosmetics has one of the best products on the market for enhancing hazel and olive colored eyes. You may be able to get in stores or check Amazon for pricing.

If you notice that your eye color has changed for no apparent reason or if the appearance of your pupil remains dilated for an extended period of time, call your optometrist right away.

There are a good number of celebrities who have hazel eyes. It is not possible to list them all here because this post would never end. Below you will find a listing of several well-known celebrities.
Keep in mind that the intensity of hazel that we see may be different for each star as a result of the material we explored above:

- David Beckham
- Jesse Metcalfe
- Kelly Clarkson
- Ben Affleck
- Penélope Cruz
- Channing Tatum
- Jessica Alba
- Halle Berry
- Britney Spears
- Jennifer Lopez
- Jon Hamm
- Harrison Ford
- Jude Law
- Marco Dapper

The rareness of hazel eyes causes some people to associate certain myths to this shade of green. What follows are some of the more common misnomers connected to those who were born with hazel brown, green and blue.
- Hazel eyed people are more attractive
- Hazel eyed people are smarter
- Hazel eyed women are more sexy
- Hazel eyed men are more intimate
- Hazel eyed children are smarter
- Hazel eyed individuals make for better lovers
- Hazel eyed people are more spiritual
- Hazel eyed people tend to be a water sign
Below you will find a poll that is exclusive to people born with hazel as their eye color. There will no doubt be survey bias because people with this eye color often attribute certain characteristics to their persona which may or may not be true. Avoid tying your eye color to aspects of your self-worth. Happiness comes from being in a state of mind and not your eyes.
Many people who have hazel eyes have a keen interest in their zodiac sign. This is particularly true of people who are Cancers and Scorpios. The truth is, your astrological sign really has nothing to do with your eyes – yet many people seem to assign magical qualities just the same.
There are folks who have suggested that if you have hazel eyes, you have special powers that come from a different dimension. Here, we are talking about psychic abilities or the power to sense the emotions of others. To date, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims.
There is much we still do not know about eye color, including hazel colored eyes. What we do know is that many people want to change their eye color to hazel or green. In fact, some people have undergone questionable medical procedures in order for this to happen.
It’s probably better to get a pair of colored contacted than travel to another country for something risky. Hopefully, you found the material on this post useful and informative.
Oh, if you have hazel eyes, see the products below from Amazon that are designed to specifically go with your unique color!
I have hazel eyes (a darker brown small ring around my pupil, a light brown that looks like branches that fade into a deep gray) but people always say that when I stare at them, they get uncomfortable because of the way my eyes look
That sounds really cool!
Same people say I’m creepy because my eye colour changes (I have hazel eyes)
I have hazel eyes. They are mostly green with yellow cloudy poofs all around them. I hate them. They look yellow or green depending on the light and my family loves it because im the only one in our known lineage with this mutation. But I cant for the life of me find any good makeup tutorials and I dont even like my eyes much.
Aww. That’s terrible. The eyes are the windows to the soul. Your eye color is definitely not a mutation or a curse. I am sure they are beautiful and engaging.
I go with purple or brown/purple shades and they look awesome. Don’t do blue. Always go for a natural looking contrast to the main color of your eyes.
I have hazle eyes! – they’re a dark gray/blue rim on the outside then followed by a forest green after that and have a gold/brown near the pupils. Their very unique…even my twins eyes are different! I am a girl and he is a boy though!
What colour is my eyes? Some say my eyes are hazel, some say green and some say both? Help ????
They are hazel as they have another colour with the green
Your eyes are not hazel, but rather you have a genetic mutation called Central Heterochromia – commonly confused with hazel eyes. Your eyes lack a blue limbal ring, that those with hazel eyes almost always have.
What about my eyes?
I’d say you have hazel eyes. 🙂 Although it’s hard to see from the photo, it looks like you have a very faint band of green around the brown in the middle. Followed by a ring of blue, then brown, then blue again. So hazel. Very intriguing hazel eyes, might I add.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/29fc4170e2cca4e749a64adcc0afdb7136eecc55b5925a7ac546ecfc9b303d5a.png Just to give an example of an iris with Central Heterochromia, here is a picture of my eye.
Well, thanks for your reply, that’s the best photo that I have, anyway How my eyes looks depends totally on the amount of light, at night normally they look more brown and in the daylight I’ve been told that they were green, turquoise or even gray somehow.
You’re welcome. That is a characteristic trait of hazel eyes – appearing to change colour. That’s due to their medium levels of melanin, so depending on the lighting, what you’re wearing etc… they can appear to be different colours.
Very pretty.
Whoa, beautiful eyes!
Very pretty.
It’s not Melatonin, it’s Melanin.
Good article though.
Mine have gradually changed color as I’ve aged. Blue was more dominant till my mid 20’s. But the yellow center is now dominant in my 40’s.
I’m with you on that one, Renee. And when my now husband and I were just starting to get to know each other, I seriously thought he did not know what color my eyes are. I asked him one day and he said, ‘that’s a trick question. They change all the time!’ Oddly enough, sometimes my eyes will be two different colors and that’s really weird. Like one will be totally blue and the other more green. Normally, the base color is a mix of light and dark green, with a goldish center and a grey-blue ring round the outside. My eye doctor actually said that hazel is not a true color, but rather a blend of other colors, and only people with hazel eyes will have the dark ring in contrast with the color. I have to say though, my eyes are my best and favorite feature. 🙂
Eeeerm I’m really sorry but I am literally unable to stop myself correcting shit. In the article above, they have mistakenly written melatonin instead of melanin. As far as I’m aware melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone which helps people relax before going to sleep in the evening. People suffering from ADHD have a lacking amount of this hormone and can be prescribed melatonin tablets to help them sleep. Melanin is the substance that affects eye and skin colourations.
A lot of people have been saying that my eyes are green/brown, but some people say they will sometimes change. Are they hazel?
I have hazel eyes, i have brown around my pupil and yellow/green on the outer and i have a dark ring surrounding it. my father has brown eyes with a blue ring around them, my mother has the same eyes as i do but unlike mine that look greener in the light theirs looks brown and in dim light mine look brown and theirs looks hazel and my siblings have brown eyes (my eldest sister wears contacts)
My mum has blue eyes and my dad has brown eyes. I was born with blue eyes but they have now turned hazel
Is this one Hazel https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/41ff8058d80cb6b5773d2211ea4cff344d9a5dcfde042841946dac012a427ba3.jpg
Well there is some sort of green. My sister’s eyes are similar. Once she is in the sun the Green really pops out.
Mine look bit greener in general, but in the Sun her eyes have a more intensiv green.
So jap it could be possible ^^
With a flash-light my eyes look like this btw.
I have golden hazel eyes and people have always been drawn to them. For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been complimented on them. Though it gets a little strange when total strangers tell you how your eyes are so dark gold and so beautiful when your 9. To be honest, I thought about getting colored contacts and going with brown for a while. But I’ve chosen to embrace my eyes and love the color.
I have golden hazel eyes and people have always been drawn to them. For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been complimented on them. Though it gets a little strange when total strangers tell you how your eyes are so dark gold and so beautiful when your 9. To be honest, I thought about getting colored contacts and going with brown for a while. But I’ve chosen to embrace my eyes and love the color. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/317aec00f36b4e7914ee003a98b63bb0aaca6c706a6ff508354df6b61ae9bedd.jpg
I used to get called “witch” and “cateyes” in high school. I consider both a compliment 😉 You are beautiful.
Very interesting post!I’m a little comfused about my eyes color,are they hazel?(I wear contact lenses for myopia in this pic) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/256ca59ed9515cedc128be267d2a3e8ca1885b414ba26179b5fa545853ba82b9.jpg
Those are hazel. And stunning!
Thank you!!! 🙂
Here are mine. Although they can change to a more golden brown on occasion.
My eyes tend be lighter and greener when there is lots of light they also tend to be gold at times or change colour. They are also darker when there is less light. Do I have hazel eyes?
This is how my hazel eyes (I think) looks right now, on the morning https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9956bcd56f486cb14309cc065a9ba571cda76a3c8ed3fa8dbaf819d1a99034f0.jpg
And this, normally https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2ca2dee0116f306d263769479c7888832d092353f0ce1781c60f8da3dd4cf616.jpg are my eyes hazel or not? 😀
Wow, pretty. You’re a good looking young man.
Thanks! ????
I’ll take you on a date ;P
my eyes are EXACTLY like yours, and I don’t see very many people with this exact coloring. I’m a Caucasian male.
Really?! That’s cool! But my eyes sometimes look green and have barely any brown in them
your eyelashes are really long
Are my eyes hazel
tell me more.
Would you consider my eyes hazel or green? I feel like sometimes they have a brownish tint to them. (Please ignore the flakes of mascara on my face, I’m in the process of taking makeup off) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/768fb40e5f78c3b68839fe724e0f68933e3e4c2192c22d6afa1394fa58e04cd1.jpg
Do I have hazel eye also I have odd colou https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8be90c22b62f40a8361ae2d6e79d546be9d7f05441c907168d8c064a013a90f5.jpg red eyes idk if I’m green or what been confused for so long
My whole family thinks my eyes are brown ????
These however are my eyes with artificial light. from italy
This another photo https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/484a9e9502e2413c0e72aa75ca83f9521d47870319644cb7190574171f4ab244.jpg
Not a great photo but it’s what I have. Always thought I had brown eyes that changed colours because my mom has brown eyes and my dad had green eyes. Then I read something about eye colours a few years ago, and apparently it doesn’t work that way. My eyes usually change depending on the light, on how I feel (if I cry they turn completely green), and what colours I’m wearing.
These are my eyes with the flash on. The little white square is flash. A lot of people tell me that I have green— and I’d much prefer them to be such, in my own personal opinion— although I believe it’s hazel. It’s blue with a green-brown although it rarely appears blue.
Technically: Hazel. Appears: Green. Thoughts?
This was taken without a flash on the front-facing camera, only by a window with proper light. It appears like this most of time, although they look brown from a distance.
Here are my eyes. They are green with a small amount of amber in them. Didn’t know if I had hazel eyes or not. They look more green than they do amber, and they change color depending on the lighting and atmosphere. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/36befd90295cd0fdd09d36f9a746f925ff447ca54e19c7be4da419aac97c8423.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ea9185f718d9c8acb45b05614b387ac29faa59316284c90477f61931623af7ce.png
I have no idea what colour my eyes are, most people say they are brown where as other people say they are hazel. I have had one or two people say my eyes are green but no one really knows. Help! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d2f653d97b4d619157b3f730a0e3aefddbc7f039518df0224e5c42d6dfd73c6d.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1fb54c3eb87b760d89cde2708eedce1d5174afebb387ff49d57dc516e6fb3f3b.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3ffa8125a2c3416f3bf9eeda24583bcf7122b080c5c03b4736d811e6ec720415.png
All my friends tell me I have brown eyes. Mum says I have hazel. What do you guys think? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6c832c6f9c016da07f145ad2eff9c8060d8eee142d0439754204fa277891127b.jpg
People with hazel colour eyes Don’t have magical powers?
If you say so.
My eyes have been a dirty Jade color all my 59+ years. My sisters were brown for 56 of her years but a week ago I noticed they were hazel, like mine. I asked her what, how, when and she said she didn’t know, she noticed a couple months ago that they had changed but she didn’t know how or why. She’s a professional, doesn’t smoke, drink or do drugs. I came to this site looking for answers. Does anyone have one?
Do you know if she’s been checked for any medical issues that may cause eye color changes? Sorry to hear by the way.
I’m pretty sure i have hazel eyes. I have a brown ring around my pupils that fades into like a light green and i have dots of brown in them. When the sun hits them just right people have told me they look yellow. I don’t understand where I got them, my dad has beautiful blue eyes and my mom has deep drown eyes. I love them to an extent but i wish they were just green.
Thanks for stopping by to share, Kaitlyn! As a brown eyed person, I can tell you hazel is a nice color 🙂
your poll don’t have my eye color I like the one I think is rare is yellow. I see 20x better at night time. my eyes are from out to in the outside line is greyish depends on light then blue then green. depending on what I wear they can change color or what environment I’m in (woods citys towns beach) im always told I have pretty eyes by girls even wearing a hat to covering them from light last time was at wal-mart electronic department she had brown eyes and was trying to seduce me lol. I tend not to like brown eye color really I don’t know why. its 65% of the worlds population your stat is wrong actually.. I also have rare blood type to a b – 🙂 my parents have hazel eyes and so does the rest of both sides of the family’s I don’t consider it rare at all. I don’t think anyone in my family has brown eyes at all except for maybe marriage. I do agree with the light thing though ive always had a day fog kinda problem when its to bright. bright days in the snowy time also hurts my eyes a lot. eyes can easily get sunburn also now and days. my eyes can even look like silver sometimes. hazel eyes do have magic powers can see white in the dark better.
What about if you have eyes with multiple rings of color? I have eyes that I’ve always thought were hazel but some people on Reddit and Quora have said they think they are green with a central heterochromia when I’ve posted a picture of them. I know hazel is more of a uniform mixture of green and brown. My eyes go from the pupil outwards as:
golden brown—>gold—>olive green—>dark blue/grey limbal ring.
They change colors depending on the type of lighting and they turn vibrant green when my eyes are irritated from either allergies or when I’m crying (any time my eyes get watery). Some days the central brown ring around my pupil nearly disappears and they look mostly creamy yellow with a dark green/grey limbal ring.