Are Sleep Demons Real?
Sleep Demons – A Closer Look Maybe it’s happened to you. It’s the middle of the night. You wake up but your body is frozen. You can’t move and there is a dark, menacing figure […]
Sleep Demons – A Closer Look Maybe it’s happened to you. It’s the middle of the night. You wake up but your body is frozen. You can’t move and there is a dark, menacing figure […]
Work Life Balance Barriers Do you feel burned out at work and guilty whenever you take your foot off the gas? Then, maybe your work-life balance is way out of alignment. Life isn’t all about […]
Break Out of a Bad Mood Every guy has those days that just don’t feel right. You wake up but don’t want to get out of bed. Your mind finds all the bad things happening […]
Benefits of watching people play games Before the coronavirus pandemic, live e-sports competitions were on a meteoric rise. Then, there was a dramatic shift to watching games online. In 2020, people flocked to online portals […]
Shia LeBeouf News In the past, actors and Hollywood elite have been able to bounce back from claims of abuse, but Shia LeBeouf may be all out of do-overs. Shia LaBeouf is just 34 years […]
Are you a playful man? When was the last time you went outside for play time? It might sound odd to even think about grown-up men playing, but researchers have found that adult play […]
A Closer Look at Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) You’ve probably heard someone say, “That’s just my OCD acting up.” The term OCD stands for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and it’s a real mental health issue, not […]
Lockdowns and Mental Health Are you worried that your mental health would suffer if your city or town goes into another lockdown? Well, you should definitely take steps to safeguard your mental health. With COVID-19 […]
Mindfulness and Intimacy How much of your day is spent on autopilot? Have you ever noticed how you just go through the motions and pay little heed to what you’re actually doing, thinking, and feeling? […]
Working Through Low Self-Esteem Have you been feeling down lately or lack self-confidence? Well, it’s normal to get the blues every now and then, but you do have the power to boost your self-esteem. You […]
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