Best websites for men revealed
Need a list of the best websites for men? Are you looking for blogs that have a specific focus on guy topics? Hoping to read articles that zoom in all things manly?
If the answer is yes, you’ve come to the right place. That’s because this page is all about men’s websites. Let’s be honest, there are literally thousands of blogs online that cater to men’s needs. The choices can be overwhelming.
To complicate matters, most sites are niched to specific guy interests. Examples include “Men’s Grooming”, “Men’s Exercise” sites or “Men’s Style” pages.
Given the complexities, I figured it best to create a resource page that breaks down the choices based on your specific needs.
For each description, I’ve highlighted the sites key features to make things simpler.
Before diving too deep, I’d like to say the universe of men’s websites that are independently owned and operated isn’t that big.
There are numerous reasons for this, including the blending of male blogs with female sites to generate wider interest (Barr, 2016).
The end result?
A few heavy hitters that dominate the web with little exposure for the independents. That’s a shame because on the smaller sites, you often get a unique perspective you’ll find nowhere else.
So whenever possible, I’ve tried to include sites like Guy Counseling to help create awareness.

Men’s Health Sites
The first category are the men’s health focused websites. Let’s face it, without your health, you really can’t focus on anything else. Here’s a mix of independent and mainstream sites to consider.
1. MenAlive
Operated by Dr. Jed Diamond, he focuses on men’s issues related to healthy living. Physical, emotional, and psychological health are highlighted.
- Men’s mental health
- Psychology
- Relationship issues
2. Mark’s Daily Apple
This is a well put together website that highlights issues men care about on the health front. Many articles appear here focusing on male wellness.
- Men’s nutrition
- Fitness
- Recipes
3. Talking About Men’s Health
I like this site because of its wide selection of topics. Run by former U.S. Marine Armin Brott, the sites seeks to fill a gap in the men’s health space. Make sure you stop by.
- Family
- Mental Health
- Military issues
4. Men’s Variety
One of my favorite things about this website is how the blog has so many different types of topics related to men. It really is a variety website in the truest sense of the term. You’ll find a blend of pop culture mixed with health-related material on their feed. Relationships, too!
- Sexual health
- Current events and health
- Pop culture and wellness
5. The Good Man Project
If you are looking for a well-rounded men’s website with a focus on wellness, the GMP is one you’ll want to visit. The health topics run the gamut, ranging from physical to emotional health.
- Relationship wellness
- Physical health
- Mental health

Men’s Style
A lot of men go online to find out the latest trends in fashion and style. This makes sense when you consider much of the marketing we see in print and on television is aimed towards women. Here’s a list of my favorite men’s style sites.
6. Gentleman’s Gazette
If you are looking for interesting reads on men classic men’s dress, look no further than Gentleman’s Gazette. Founded by Sven Raphael Schneider, you’ll find a host of articles ranging from clothing to accessories.
- Classic wear
- Shoes and boots
- Men’s accessories
Visit Gentleman’s Gazette today
7. Dappered
I must admit that I visit this website often. What I like about the blog are the variety of articles that speak directly to men’s style. They also have a forum on the site for discussion. That’s helpful if you are looking for guy’s styling advice.
- Men’s clothing
- Accessories
- Footwear
8. I Am Alpha M
You’ll find several videos from Aaron Marino’s I Am Alpha M website on Guy Counseling. That’s because his blog has many articles and vids that specifically speak to issues guys care about. Style is focused on a great deal. A must visit blog.
- Men’s shirts
- Formalwear
- Underwear
9. Fashionbeans
Cool site to check out if you are hunting for contemporary styling advice. Great for guys of all ages but really helpful to the 20 and 30 something crowd. Lots of male celebrity examples included too.
- Dress guides by age
- Seasonal styling advice
- Tips for wearing suits
10. Esquire Magazine
A large operator in the men’s space but one that I feel comfortable sharing because the reading material is high quality. You’ll find many men’s styling articles on the site.
- Outerwear
- Seasonal clothing for men
- Men’s footwear tips

Men’s Grooming
Guys do care about their appearance – a lot. But because we are guys, we don’t talk about it. As a result, we get our grooming tips from online. Here’s five cool blogs to check out on men’s grooming.
11. Guy Counseling
Yes, I am shamelessly listing this site and the podcast. That’s because many of the articles specifically are about “How To” matters regarding grooming and beauty. Yep, I write all of the articles.
- Facecare
- Moisturizers
- Cologne
12. Men’s Health Grooming
I admit it – I like the grooming advice given on Men’s Health. It’s practical, straight forward, and guy friendly. Plus, they test products and offer “how to” articles for dudes. Worth visiting.
13. Ask Men
Great all-around website for men’s issues but extra cool on the grooming front. You’ll find lots of articles on topics ranging from shaving to moisturizers to beard care. Practical in nature.
- Hair styling
- Shaving
- Hair products
14. Male Standard
If you are looking for contemporary grooming advice that also ties in fashion, you might want to check out Male Standard. Celebrity grooming material also appears in some of the posts. A decent site to visit.
15. GQ
There’s no way I could create this list without including GQ Magazine’s website. Tons of grooming articles on their blog with many that include videos. I highly recommend.
- Men’s shaving
- Facial care
- Beard hacks

Men’s Fitness
There are more websites dedicated to men’s fitness tips than I can shake a stick at. Some are geared towards body builders. Others are targeted towards general fitness types. I’ve tried to include a mix of both.
Yep, this site is bar none one of the best on the Internet. I find myself going there often to get the latest tips of strength training. You’ll find a very active community of body builders here.
- Bodybuilding tips
- Nutrition tips
- Strength training articles
17. Muscle for Life
This is a website I often visit for fitness tips. Mike Matthews is the operator and he does an amazing job with giving practical advice to guys. He also authors books on fitness and body building (some appear on Guy Counseling).
- Muscle development
- Strength training
- Body building exercises
18. Iron Man Magazine
If you are into serious strength training and conditioning, you’ll want to head over to Iron Man. The site is loaded with super useful “how to” articles for getting your muscle on.
- “How to” exercises for men
- Body building tips
- Nutrition for body builders
19. Men’s Fitness
I subscribe to the magazine and visit the website too. They have many useful articles geared towards men on the fitness front. Moreover, the reading material isn’t targeted to just body builders. Useful for all guys who want to stay in shape.
20. Muscle and Fitness
To my mind, this is a combination type site that’s split between general fitness and body building. Amazing articles geared towards newbies to the gym or guys who have been working out a long time. A worthwhile destination while surfing the web.
- General men’s fitness
- Strength training and nutrition
- Body building
Explore Muscle and Fitness now

General Men’s Interests
The websites appearing below are general men’s interest sites. You’ll find everything from outdoor reads to hunting. Think of these as fun blogs that are targeted to guys who want to get their man on.
21. Fatherly
If you are looking for a website with practical advice for new (or not so new) dads, Fatherly is an amazing site. What I dig about this blog is how the writers infuse modern topics that are a lot more forward thinking than the site title suggests. I find that I visit this blog at least three times a week. It’s an amazing place for interesting news on men’s issues where men from all walks of life are welcome. Check it out – you will be glad you did.
22. Swagger Magazine
One of my favorite websites for men. Swagger explores a variety of topics ranging from health and wellness to dating and relationships. Very cool vibe with practical information that is guy friendly. I try to visit 2-3 times a week.
23. Axel Addict
Do you like working on your car? How about tuning up your truck? Motorcycle guy? If the answer is yes, you’ll want to stop over at Axel Addict. Amazing site filled with manly automotive articles you’ll love!
- Automotive care
- Motorcycle articles
- Engine fixes
24. Outdoor Life
Fun website for guys. They’ve got everything from RV tips to hunting to fishing. I also like some of the firearm reads they’ve got on the blog. Worth your time.
- Hunting
- Fishing
- Outdoor reads
25. Backpacker Magazine
Awesome website for guys who are into backpacking, hiking, and canoeing. Lots of articles with a “how to” slant designed to help build manly skills. I try to pop by a few times a month to read their latest posts. Fun website destination.
- Backpacking
- Survival tips
- Skill building
Wrap Up
Hopefully, you’ve found my list of best websites for men useful. I encourage you to bookmark the blogs you love most for easy retrieval.
Finally, do your best to support the independent sites. They’re in a highly competitive space that’s difficult to maneuver. Your patronage helps them to keep going.
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Barr, J. (2016, September 30). Is There Such Thing as a ‘Men’s Media Company’ Anymore? Retrieved from Advertising Age: