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Grooming habits made simple
Searching for men’s grooming habits? Hoping to look more attractive? Trying to up your game and develop a strong skin care routine that makes your mug look dapper?
If the answer is yes, welcome to the club. Most men want to look their best without having to spend forever and a day making it happen.
So, the question becomes how do you create a positive habit around personal grooming that doesn’t eat up most of your time or become overly complicated?
Well, there are lots of options. If you are looking for a boatload of ideas, here’s a men’s grooming tips page. But if you just need a smattering of the basics, you’ll find everything you need right here.
What follows are 10 grooming habits of attractive men made simple. Some of these are common sense while others will cause may make you pause and think.
Read them all to get the most from the experience. OK, check it out.

1. Use the right body wash
If you want to be attractive, you’ve got to stop using soap and start using a body wash designed for men. The challenge of course is identifying the right one for your body type.
An easy way to do this is to get to know your skin better. Make sure you pop by our best body washes for men page to determine your skin type and then move about the business of picking the right product.
2. Manscape your privates
You can do it when you are in the shower for some tasks and away from running water for others. The point is manscaping needs to become a regular ritual in your life.
It’s not all that complicated. Depending on your goal, only occasional maintenance may be needed. But if you are going for a trimmed and clean look, shaving your pubic area daily is important.
3. Apply the right moisturizer for men
After showering, it’s critical that you apply moisturizer. Not only will this help your skin look better, it can also prevent the visible signs of aging.
But don’t be a cheapo and reach for the least expensive item on the shelf. Instead, get to know what works best for your skin and pick the right product. See our extensive page on the best moisturizers for men based on your skin.

4. Shave and shape
While you don’t have to do it every day, you will need to focus on facial hair a few times a week. Much of what goes into determining frequency will depend on your goals.
If you want to develop a short beard style, it’ll take some time. But if you are looking to go all out and transform your beard into Thor’s, plan on shaping to become a daily thing.
Oh, by the way – the type of razor you use matters. As a general rule, you are better off spending money on high-quality razors as opposed to the pharmacy brand that can rip up your face.
5. Apply Aftershave Balm
Yep, that’s right. After you are done shaving and shaping, you’ll need to slap on some balm to heal and soothe your skin. There’s lots of options to consider.
As a way of helping you make the right decision, be sure to review this page on men’s aftershaves and balms. The trick is knowing (you’ve heard this before) what your skin type is and how it responds to various products.
6. Splash on some cologne
A lot of men are resistant to wearing cologne because they don’t want to overpower. That’s a shame because part of being manly means giving off a woody scent.
You don’t have to spend a fortune to get yourself smelling good. In fact, it’s possible to pick up a brand name product for less than a tank of gas.
Here’s a page for everything you ever wanted to know about men’s cologne. Remember, price is not an indicator of quality.

7. Brush and floss daily
Sure, you already know that taking care of your teeth is important. But did you know that keeping them white and healthy requires daily maintenance?
At a minimum, you should brush twice a day. Moreover, flossing before bed is a must. This keeps harmful plaque at bay; a substance filled with nasty bacteria that eat away at your choppers.
Has it been a long time since you’ve visited the dentist? You aren’t alone. But if you keep saying “one day I’ll go”, you’ll eventually find yourself out of tooth-saving options.
If you have time, be sure to read all about dental fears and then make an appointment with your specialist.
8. Get to a barber
If you are like a lot of men, it’s easier to throw on a baseball cap than styling your locks. But at some point, you are going to have to give your hair the care it deserves.
Part of this involves making regular trips to the barber. Not that there’s anything wrong with a stylist – there’s not. But a barber is specially trained in men’s hairstyles with specific emphasis on using clippers.
If you’ve never been to one or need help figuring out how to pick the right professional, visit this page that offers five tips for picking a men’s barber.
9. Prevent hair loss
Are you starting to lose your hair? Hoping to find natural solutions that don’t cost a fortune? Believe it or not, such options exist.
To begin with, talk to your doctor about getting a prescription for Finasteride. This may help you keep the hair you’ve got while encouraging new hair growth.
Second, start using a conditioner that is designed to sprout new follicles. There are several products available. An excellent one to consider is Ultrax Labs Solaye Conditioner. We reviewed this guy and are very happy with the results.
10. Apply a facial mask
Here’s a secret that really is a gift. Attractive men who take care of their face daily use some type of a face mask at least once a week.
Believe it or not, companies today are specifically marketing clay and mud masks made for guys. That’s because more and more, men have figured out that in order to look younger and more attractive, they need to do more than apply a cream.
Here’s everything you ever wanted to know about the best men’s face masks based on science.
Wrap Up
If you want to be an attractive man, you’ve got to develop habits that help you look your best.
Obviously, regular exercise and a healthy diet need to be part of the mix.
That said, grooming and self-care are important ingredients for looking sharp. And hey buddy – aren’t you worth it?