E17: 5 Ways To Stop Attracting Toxic People To Your Love Life

toxic people in your love life cute couple

Tired of attracting toxic romantic partners?

Do you have a pattern of dating the same types of people? Historically, have the people you’ve attracted been toxic, codependent, or narcissists?

If the answer is yes, you aren’t alone. One of the main reasons people seek out counseling is to help them understand their patterns in dating.

In this podcast, Dr. Moore explores the genuine issue of attracting unhealthy partners. He dives deep into some of the causal reasons while offering five concrete steps for creating change.

If you’ve ever found yourself repeating patterns in dating that leave you feeling upset and confused, this podcast is for you.

Additionally, in this show, Dr. Moore answers a listener email from a young man in Wyoming who identifies he is straight but as strangely found himself attracted to another man. You won’t want to miss this part of the podcast.


  • Identifying toxic dating patterns
  • Exploring the influence of childhood relationships on romantic love in adulthood
  • Recognizing the traits of someone unhealthy
  • Drawing the link between why you are drawn to what’s familiar in relationships
  • Building an additional link between familiarity and comfortability
  • The true story of “Wade” – a client who found himself repeating an unhealthy dating style where he attracted caustic partners
  • A quick look at attracting emotionally unavailable people
  • Five specific things you can do to create change in your dating and break the toxic cycle
  • A self-affirmation to attract healthy love
  • An email from a 30-year old man who identifies as straight but has started to develop feelings for a guy at his gym
  • The changing dynamics of sexual orientation
  • Reflecting on your own journey of sexual orientation
  • Learning to love yourself as you are


Confusing Love with Obsession (Amazon)

Loving Kindness Meditation

“More Men Than You Think Identify As ‘Mostly Straight’ (The Cut)

The Kinsey Institute

10 Signs You Have People Pleasing Syndrome

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This podcast was recorded live in Chicago, Illinois USA. If you liked the show, please subscribe and leave a review on Apple iTunes.

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About John D. Moore 400 Articles
Dr. John Moore is a licensed counselor and Editor-in-Chief of Guy Counseling. A journalist and blogger, he writes about a variety of topics related to wellness. His interests include technology, outdoor activities, science, and men's health. Check out his show --> The Men's Self Help Podcast