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Taurus Man Personality Traits
Taurus man personality and traits appear on this page. A person is a Taurus if they are born between April 20-May 20th. What follows is a comprehensive breakdown of major Taurus traits and personality characteristics.
Take note of the Taurus man personality chart I’ve also included below with positive and negative attributes. For fun, I’ve also thrown in a video from YouTube and created by Zodiac Talks.
1. Male Taurus Positive Traits:
- Generous
- Extremely Focused
- Loyal
- Patient
- Determined
- Kind Heart
- Prefers Simplicity
- Stable
- Goal Driven
- Good Business People
- Loves the outdoors
2. Male Taurus Negative Traits:
- Materialistic
- Stubborn Streak
- Self-Indulgent
- Laziness
- Prone to Burnout
- Overly Protective
- Opinionated
- Tagged with being “Dull”
Taurus Man Personality
Taurus Man Trait | Positive | Negative | Strength of Trait |
Generous | x | High | |
Goal focused | x | High | |
Stubborn | x | Medium | |
Prone to Burnout | x | High | |
Lazy | x | Low | |
Dull | x | Low | |
Business skills | x | High | |
Loyal | x | High | |
Stability | x | Medium | |
Cautious | x | High |
3. Taurus Man Background
Taurus is considered a fixed sign, which is a 25-cent term for a zodiac sign that prefers things to remain unchanged. If you are Taurus, you were born in the “Second House” of the Zodiac sky.
This house represents things of value and that hold meaning. This means human relationships as well as material possessions. A main Taurus trait relates to possession. This not said in a pejorative sense as there is spiritual meaning involved in the mix.
Taurus is an Earth sign with its zodiac symbol being the bull. Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) all share the common trait of being grounded and focused on the here and now. This is different than other signs, such as Pisces (a water sign) that lives in a bifurcated world of fantasy and the past.
4. Taurus Man Traits That Stand Out
The key traits of the Taurus man personality are twofold: 1). this sign prefers independence and autonomy. Taurus signs do not like being told what to do or forced into situations where they feel uncomfortable. They also don’t like to play follow the leader. Instead, they prefer to take on the role of leader. 2) Taurus signs are extremely determined.
Once a Taurus sets his/her mind to doing something, there is nothing in the galaxy that can stop them. They will pursue their identified goal until it is reached – even if this comes at great personal sacrifice (health, relationships, etc).
Taurus men also are huge lovers of mother nature and really get into being in the outdoors. That’s because Taurus is an earth sign and naturally connects with all of the elements present in nature.
Men who are Taurus generally are into hiking, backpacking, camping, canoeing and tons of other outdoor activities. It is a core personality trait.

5. Taurus Man as a Friend
Simply put, Taurus signs make for an excellent friend. This is an astrological zodiac sign that is careful about whom it associates with and is known for taking time before bonding in the platonic sense with another.
Once in Taurus’s fold, you will have a super loyal friend that will defend you until the end. Because Taurus is known for living a somewhat lavish lifestyle, they usually invite those who are close to join them in the fun. Not a bad Taurus trait when you think about it.
6. Taurus Men: Career and Money
Because Taurus is a goal focused sign, they naturally possess strong career and financial skills. Most all Taurus born men and women know what career they want to be in and the path they wish to take. Because this sign is highly practical, they are adverse to wasting money.
While they enjoy living a good lifestyle, it doesn’t come at the expense of the things that have to be paid first – like utilities, credit cards and so forth. Again, a major Taurus trait is practicality.
Coincidentally, Taurus men share this trait with a somewhat similar sign; Male Capricorns. No surprise given both are earth signs.

7. Taurus Man Personality and General Temperament
Taurus signs are stable. They don’t experience a bunch of mood swings like other zodiac signs, such as Cancer or Pisces. When initially meeting a Taurus, they can be very charming and magnetic. Part of this is a function of their competitive nature, which commands them to try and win people over. Once that happens however, they charm dulls a bit.
8. Taurus Man Psychological Traits
While the Taurus man has a stable personality, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a soft spot. This is one sign that is highly sensitive to criticism – both imagined and real. When interacting with a Taurus, be mindful of your body language and tone. Taurus born signs will sometimes mistake something unintentional on the part of others as negative or critical in nature.
Part of this has to do with their built in defense mechanisms against getting hurt. That’s just the way the bull is wired. Don’t try to change this in someone you know who is Taurus because it won’t work and could backfire.
9. Taurus Man Personality and Anxiety
Because Taurus is a fixed sign (the other ones are Scorpio, Leo (the lion), and Aquarius), it is not fond of change. In fact, they prefer things to remain constant. If a Taurus believes that a change in routine is about to happen or something will be altered as part of their regular ritual, they become anxious.
In relationships, this can cause Taurus to have an anxious attachment style, which can be overwhelming. The key thing to remember here is that Taurus anxieties are usually triggered by a fear of change or loss.
10. Taurus Man Personality Summed Up
Taurus is a leadership sign. Determination, extreme focus and goal attainment are all part of this sign’s personality. A side-effect of this determination however can be stubbornness. As a result, this hyper-focused approach to reaching an identified goal can cause Taurus to engage in conflicts with others. Here, we are talking about co-workers, superiors and loved ones. Taurus will work himself/herself into the ground if left unchecked because they lack the ability to see self-harm.
Taurus sign personalities like their routines and ritualization. Their circadian rhythm is wired very well because of the strong attachment to scheduled activities. This sign also pays particular attention to its environment with an emphasis on the home.
Taurus signs like a comfortable, nurturing environment that promotes restoration and security. In short, these are home-bodies that are perfectly content chillaxing on the couch. It is for this reason they are often tagged as being “dull”. While others may view this as a negative trait, Taurus signs find inner-peace and harmony in ritualization.

11. Taurus Traits and Compatibility
Depending upon how well you know your own zodiac sign, you can almost guess which zodiacs Taurus men are compatible with. Here is a quick breakdown:
Best Matches
- Taurus/Pisces = Excellent Match
- Taurus/Cancer = Great Match
- Taurus/Capricorn = Good Match
Terrible Matches
- Taurus/Gemini = Horrible
- Taurus/Sagittarius = Bad
- Taurus/Aquarius = Ugly
Iffy Matches
- Taurus/Scorpio (can be really great or really bad)
- Taurus/Taurus (can be a total match or a bad idea)

12. Dating a Taurus Man
Taurus men tend to be very practical in their approach to selecting a mate. Because the Taurus male personality employs elements of careful thought and strategy as part of the selection process, it’s not likely he will sweep you off your feet.
Remember, one of the key Taurus traits is simplicity and routine. Taurus men will hookup as a function of sexual need or desire but forming a relationship with one is often a game of strategy.
Once a Taurus man has attached to you however, you need to know that he won’t go away soon. Loyalty is one of the main traits of Taurus. It’s unlikely he will step out on you during your relationship. Taurus guys are in things for the long haul – meaning love, romance and relationships!
One observation about Taurus men and their personality. Because this is an earth sign, they are subject to influences from the earth’s moon. Specifically, during full moon, they become highly sexual. It is during this narrow window that Taurus men will step outside of their comfort zone and engage in intimate behaviors that are usually not their norm.
Dating a Taurus Woman
Females who were born under the zodiac sign of Taurus approach relationships different than their male counterparts. A key female Taurus Trait is the ability to seduce another as part of her competitive streak. Patient and gentle, she will wait for long periods of time to pass before making her move. Then watch out – she’s got you!
If you are pursuing a Taurus woman, it would be wise to spend time romancing her and courting her a bit. You will also need to love on her and pamper her.
Once she bonds with you, expect a very passionate, loyal and committed mate. Word of caution: Don’t cross a Taurus woman. She will get her revenge on you big time and at a time of her choosing!
13. If you are dating a Taurus Man, Keep the Following in Mind:
- They initially can be charmers and romancers.
- Ditch any expectations of being wowed on new dates.
- Accept that Taurus men are into rituals and routines.
- Avoid overly negative remarks aimed towards Taurus because they are sensitive
- Expect Taurus to compete for your love if other potential mates are in the mix.
14. If you are dating Taurus Woman, Keep the Following in Mind:
- Don’t try to rush things. She will move at her own speed.
- She expects to be romanced and pampered. Don’t be cheap.
- Appeal to her practical side.
- Engage in conversations that go beyond sports and current events.
- Cook her favorite meal and demonstrate you truly care for her needs.

15. What’s sex like with a Taurus Man?
Taurus men and women have passionate streaks. Don’t expect the first time in the sack to be a Fourth of July experience. Spontaneity is not Taurus trait or characteristic.
When it comes to intimacy, you will likely need to be the one to initiate “new things”. After a period of time, your Taurus mate will adapt and then start asking for repeat activities that you made happen in the first place.
As mentioned above, the exception to what’s mentioned here is a full moon. During this short period of time, Taurus men are vulnerable to higher sexual energy.
16. How to attract Taurus men
It will take time for a Taurus to bond. Do not expect instant results. They move at a much slower speed than other signs when it comes to love and romance. It’s that practicality “chip” that they struggle with.
Taurus signs are best attracted by people who are funny but not over the top. If you have an overly gregarious personality, tone it down a bit with this sign. Think calm, relaxed and sensible.
17. Taurus Man Arousal Zones
Taurus signs are typically aroused by being touched around their shoulders and neck. They tend to hold a great deal of tension in these areas. When you touch them, do so gently because the muscles in these upper body parts are highly sensitive for Taurus.
Taurus Constellation Video
Above you will find a short video on the zodiac sign, Taurus. The presentation is about the Taurus constellation. If you have ever wondered about the history of Taurus, this is a great piece to watch. FYI: The ruling planet for Taurus is Venus.

18. Famous Taurus Celebrities
- Henry Cavill
- Channing Tatum (see post on Green Eyes!)
- Megan Fox
- Stephen Amell
- Nikki Reed
- Jessica Alba
- Tina Fey
- Cate Blanchett
- George Clooney
- John Cena
- Robbie Amell
19. Male Taurus Health Issues
- Hypertension
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Muscle aches
Taurus Poll
Below is a Taurus poll for you to vote in. Because there is a high probability that you are a Taurus, it is assumed the results of the poll will be somewhat biased. Consider partaking in the Taurus poll for the sake of fun!
If you don’t see the poll because you are on a smartphone, click on this Taurus man poll.
20. Taurus Man Trait Myths
There are a number of Taurus trait myths that need to be addressed. For some reason, these seem to be floating around and they simply aren’t true.
- Taurus signs are dull
- Taurus signs don’t like to hook up
- Taurus men are “big” because they are bulls (read between lines)
- Taurus women are prissy
- Taurus children are unruly
21. Taurus Men Are Not Selfish In Bed
Just for fun, I’m throwing this last point up because there is a myth floating around that Taurus males are selfish in bed. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
In most all cases, you will find the bull to be very generous and giving. Sadly, some people confuse his aggressive side for being self-focused. It’s simply not true.
Taurus Traits and Characteristics Book
If you are hoping to learn more about Taurus traits and characteristics, an excellent book to consider is Taurus: The Ultimate Guide to an Amazing Zodiac Sign in Astrology. Visit Amazon for price.
Final Thoughts
The Taurus traits and personality information listed here revealed a great deal about the second House of the Zodiac. This is a wonderful sign that is generally happy, loving and stable.