10 Things Depression REALLY Hates That You Do! (Podcast)

things depression hates

10 Things Depression Truly Hates

Do you struggle with depression? Hunting for ways to help you work through and feel better? If the answer is yes, you aren’t alone.

While the numbers are somewhat scattered, current estimates suggest depression 322 million people worldwide live with some form of depression.

But what if you could change the dynamic? Are there things you can do to fight back against depression and feel empowered? The answer is yes and here’s why: there are specific activities you engage in that depression hates!

In this podcast, Dr. John Moore offers a broad overview of the symptoms of depression. Additionally, he walks listeners through 10 specific activities that make depression run for the hills.

Show Highlights

  • 8 symptoms of depression
  • A discussion of the importance of visiting a medical doctor to rule out medical causes for a down mood
  • An exploration of 10 things depression doesn’t want you to know
  • The insidious nature of depression
  • How depression lies to you and tells you things that aren’t true
  • How depression distorts the way you see yourself
  • The importance of a circle of support
  • The benefits of talk-therapy and how it causes depression to become terrified
  • The role of mindfulness in depression
  • The use of physical activity and how it helps to repel depression
  • Why depression loves when people don’t take their medications
  • How acceptance of depression paradoxically minimizes its impact
  • The role of your diet and the battle against depression
  • Why shame about depression is so caustic

Resources/People/Places Mentioned In Podcast

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This podcast was recorded live in Chicago, Illinois.

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About John D. Moore 401 Articles
Dr. John Moore is a licensed counselor and Editor-in-Chief of Guy Counseling. A journalist and blogger, he writes about a variety of topics related to wellness. His interests include technology, outdoor activities, science, and men's health. Check out his show --> The Men's Self Help Podcast