12 Things Happy Men Don’t Do

happy man

Being happy means avoiding the following

Do you want to be happier? If the answer’s yes, steer clear of these 12 things happy people don’t do, and you’ll be well on the way to achieving your aim. Avoiding them will rapidly improve your well-being and relationships.

1 Cheat

Everyone has a need to succeed and be considered valuable, but happy individuals understand cheating isn’t the answer. People may cheat when playing board games or on their partners. Regardless, they pave the way to unhappiness.

Others recognize they aren’t honorable and they never truly gain the respect they crave.

2. Blame

Pointing the finger of blame slams shut the route to peace and places a barrier between people. Unhappy folks think not accepting responsibility for mistakes puts them in the clear. However, shifting accountability onto friends, family, and co-workers alienates them and leaves them lonely.

3. Lie

People who fib can’t be trusted, so no one wants to build a genuine relationship with them. Even when their lies aren’t discovered, they know they are liars and feel guilty about not telling the truth. They secretly long to be admired but aren’t authentic enough to gain approval.

4. Gossip

Gossiping can seem like a bonding experience. After all, it brings people together. Nonetheless, it doesn’t help individuals form respectful relationships built on trust. People who gossip are often sad and lonely.

They fill their days with mindless tittle-tattle. They also repel others who, quite rightly, have a hunch they could be the next in line to be talked about once their backs are turned.

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5. Hold a grudge

Grudges are the equivalent of heavy weights around people’s necks. They hold folks down and prevent them moving on in life.

When you hold resentment, you keep your painful past alive and feed it anger and sadness. It’s hard to be happy if you’re filled with bitterness.

6. Find fault

Unlike constructive criticism, fault-finding damages relationships. Those who constantly criticize have few friends. Also, looking on the bleak side of life makes them pessimistic. Deep down, they dislike themselves and judge their faults harshly too.

7. Hate

Hate’s a big burden to carry through life. Even when you keep it bottled inside, your heart is sealed. As a result, you can’t love freely until you let go of your pain. Happiness comes when you put more effort into forgiveness and compassion than hating.

8. Steal

To want to steal, you have to reason you are incapable or not worthy of getting what you desire by honest means. Thieves, however skilled, often have low self-esteem.

Their booty brings them short-term joy, but they aren’t happy most of the time. Occasionally people seemingly steal for other reasons, like to impress wayward peers, but low self-esteem is still at the root of the issue.

9. Mistrust

Not trusting others brings unhappiness. If you don’t believe your close friends and family have your best interests at heart, you are suspicious of their motives, can’t relax in their company, and don’t think you are loved. Lack of trust means you fear others may hurt you.

10. Make comparisons

Comparing yourself to others will make you unhappy. Occasionally, you might think you’re superior to those you measure yourself against. Mostly though, since such behavior stems from insecurity, you’ll judge yourself severely and come off worse.

11. Worry about the future

Melancholy folks are anxious about the future. They second-guess what might go wrong and run through the experience of dealing badly with problems in their heads. The way they think makes them stressed and leaves little time and energy for joy.

12. See setbacks as failures

Failure feels horrible. However, whether you fail is a matter of opinion. Your perspective colors how you view decisions that don’t procure the results you want.

Happy folks see setbacks and poor choices as life lessons and use them as tools to aid self-development. Unhappy people see themselves as failures and sink into depression when their plans go awry.

Do any of these behaviors sound familiar? Most people practice a few. You can become happier by holding the intention to change and repeating the behaviors you prefer until they turn into habits.

If, for instance, you are critical of yourself or others, stay alert so you recognize the urge to pick fault. Then take a deep breath and let the idea go. With time, your efforts will forge fresh behavior patterns that aid happiness.

About Aaron McBride 28 Articles
Aaron McBride is a Seattle based freelance journalist. He enjoys writing on men's topics, outdoor activities, grooming, and wellness. He's also got a thing for penning pieces on spirituality and astrology. Look for posts that are off the wall and sometimes bizarre.