You can look rugged without spending big bucks
Are you a man trying to look more attractive? Trying to channel a manly vibe that doesn’t break the bank? Hoping to up your rugged without going overboard?
If the answer is yes, you wouldn’t be alone. The truth is most guys want to appear attractive but feel they have limited options because of finances.
What many don’t know is this – you don’t have to have to blow a wad of cash to look awesome. In fact, you can put together a basic outfit for less coin than you think.
Moreover, channeling rugged doesn’t mean you have to spend big bucks on designer clothes or brand name labels. What’s unfortunate is that many of us have been sucked into believing that high-priced clothing equals style.

Well, I’m here to tell you that is a bunch of bull. The reality is you can cause heads to turn by reaching for the basics. Specifically, I’m talking about good old fashioned blue jeans, a classic white t-shirt and boots.
Hey, I’m not making this up. A quick check of the Internet reveals a lot of people dig this look. Over at Maxim, readers shared they thought this look was sexy.
Guy Counseling spoke to fashion consultant Morgan Polzin who shared the following.
“When a man wears a pair of nice fitting jeans that is complemented by a well-fitted t-shirt, he sends the message that he’s comfortable with himself and his clothing choices. That’s just incredibly sexy,” says Polzin.
“Obviously, the shoes matter too but if he’s doing the denim and t-shirt thing, there are lots of choices. A pair of Pumas works but so do construction boots. It just depends on the guy,” she adds.
With a minimal amount of effort and money, you can obtain this look super-fast. For example, consider picking up a pair of Levi’s Original Fit Dark Stonewashed Jeans (See Amazon). Make sure you choose a pair that gives you the room you need in all of the places that are important.
There are lots of different t-shirt brands on the market but if are looking for something high-quality and not expensive, you can’t go wrong with guy favorite and all around classic brand, Hanes (see Amazon). If you buy cotton, consider choosing a size larger than your frame. Remember, t-shirts often shrink after washing.
When you put on a pair of construction boots, your vibing out manly. Moreover, boots look amazing with that t-shirt and denim you are wearing. The folks over at KingsHow make a water- resistant boot that compliments what you are trying to achieve. See Amazon for price.
And what about a beard?
If your goal is to get all rugged and draw people to you like a magnet, you might want to cap off everything with facial hair. You don’t have to get all Thor about it either.
Instead, just let your whiskers grow for a couple of days and do some shaping. But yes, if you are trying to get your manly on, it helps to have some fuzz going.
So, there you have it folks – jeans, a white t-shirt and some boots. You’ll look awesome and your bank account will still be in the black.
Main photo credit: Men’s Health – actor Charlie Hunnam